How to Write a Full-Stack Scala 3 Application with the Typelevel Stack
Learn how to write a full-stack Scala 3 application with Cats Effect, Doobie, Http4s and Tyrian, from scratch.
Learn how to write a full-stack Scala 3 application with Cats Effect, Doobie, Http4s and Tyrian, from scratch.
Understand how UDP works, and how you can transition from an old Java NIO implementation to a higher level API like FS2 in Scala.
Learn how to use type-level programming to solve practical problems.
How to build an application load balancer with Scala & Cats Effect, featuring efficiency and concurrency. Tests included!
A long-form guide on how to make microservices communicate with gRPC in Scala.
It’s time to end our journey on functional error handling in Kotlin with the new features introduced by the Arrow library in version 1.2.0. We’ll focus on th...
A story of a beginner developer learning and working with Scala.
Learn the basics of Play Framework to build robust HTTP APIs with Scala, in this long-form tutorial.
Learn how to implement OAuth authentication in Scala using Http4s, using GitHub as an OAuth provider.
Learn how to write a two-factor authentication mechanism using one-time passwords (HOTP and TOTP) with Scala and Http4s.