How Things Don’t Make Sense - Scala Loops
Daniel goes into another rant about learning (and teaching) Scala using loops. Are they actually useful?
Daniel goes into another rant about learning (and teaching) Scala using loops. Are they actually useful?
We demystify one of the hardest concepts in Akka Streams: materialized values.
In this article you’ll learn one of the most important Spark skill: reading how your job will run. This is foundational to any further Spark optimization.
Daniel goes into a small rant about learning (and teaching) Scala using variables.
For OO programmers looking to dive into functional programming in Scala: a gentle introduction to functions working with other functions.
In this article we learn to address the problem of “deterministic” Futures in Scala, using Promises.
Self types are a really interesting way to enforce type constraints in Scala. Learn to use it in a few minutes.
Learn to use Akka HTTP with Scala and send HTTP requests in just a few minutes with the Akka HTTP server DSL.
The Scala type system is powerful, but also hard. We look at contravariance in Scala and try to make some sense out of it.
Pattern matching is one of the most powerful Scala features. Learn to use it to the max so you can write your best Scala code.