Functional Error Handling in Kotlin, Part 3: The Raise DSL
It’s time to end our journey on functional error handling in Kotlin with the new features introduced by the Arrow library in version 1.2.0, which previews the significant rewrite we’ll have in version 2.0.0. We’ll mainly focus on the Raise
DSL, a new way to handle typed errors using Kotlin contexts. This article is part of a series. We can always reference the previous parts using these links:
- Functional Error Handling in Kotlin, Part 1: Absent values, Nullables, Options
- Functional Error Handling in Kotlin, Part 2: Result and Either
For the video version, watch here:
Without further ado, let’s start!
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1. Setup
We’ll use version 1.9.0 of Kotlin and version 1.2.0 of the Arrow library. In fact, the Raise DSL is not available in previous versions of Arrow.
Since the context receivers are still experimental, we must explicitly enable them. In the article Kotlin contexts, we saw how to enable context receivers using Gradle. This time, we see how to do it in Maven. We need to pass the property -Xcontext-receivers
to the kotlin-maven-plugin
using the appropriate configuration
As usual, we’ll put a copy of the pom.xml
file we use at the end of the article.
2. The Domain
We’ll use extensively the domain model we introduced in the first two articles of the series. We want to create an application that manages a job board. The main types of the domain are:
data class Job(val id: JobId, val company: Company, val role: Role, val salary: Salary)
value class JobId(val value: Long)
value class Company(val name: String)
value class Role(val name: String)
value class Salary(val value: Double) {
operator fun compareTo(other: Salary): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
Moreover, we’ll simulate a database of jobs using a Map<JobId, Job>
val JOBS_DATABASE: Map<JobId, Job> = mapOf(
JobId(1) to Job(
Company("Apple, Inc."),
Role("Software Engineer"),
JobId(2) to Job(
Role("Software Engineer"),
JobId(3) to Job(
Role("Software Engineer"),
A Jobs
module will handle the integration with the database:
interface Jobs
Since we’ll use a lot of typed errors during the article, we need to define a hierarchy of errors that the Jobs
module can raise:
sealed interface JobError
data class JobNotFound(val jobId: JobId) : JobError
data class GenericError(val cause: String) : JobError
data object NegativeSalary : JobError
Now that we have defined the domain model, the module containing the functions to access it and the errors we’ll use along the way, it’s time to show how the new Raise DSL works.
3. The Raise DSL
The Raise DSL is a new way to handle typed errors in Kotlin. Instead of using a wrapper type to address both the happy path and errors, the Raise<E>
type describes the possibility that a function can raise a logical error of type E
. A function that can raise an error of type E
must execute in a scope that can also handle the error.
In this sense, the Raise<E>
is very similar to the CoroutineScope
, which describes the possibility for a function to execute suspending functions using structural concurrency (see the article Kotlin Coroutines - A Comprehensive Introduction for further details).
As we saw in the article Kotlin Context Receivers: A Comprehensive Guide, Kotlin models such scopes using receivers instead.
The easiest way to define a function that can raise an error of type E
is to use the Raise<E>
type as the receiver of an extension function:
fun Raise<JobNotFound>.appleJob(): Job = JOBS_DATABASE[JobId(1)]!!
The Arrow library defines the Raise<E>
type and many other handful functions in the arrow.core.raise.*
package. Inside the Raise<E>
context, we have a lot of valuable functions. One of these is the raise
// Arrow Kt Library
public interface Raise<in Error> {
public fun raise(r: Error): Nothing
// Omissis
The above function let us short-circuit an execution and raise an error of type E
fun Raise<JobNotFound>.jobNotFound(): Job = raise(JobNotFound(JobId(42)))
As we can see from the signature of the raise
function, the only type of logical error a function can raise is the one defined in the receiver of the function. If we try to cheat, the compiler will complain immediately. The following code doesn’t compile:
fun Raise<JobNotFound>.jobNotFound(): Job = raise(GenericError("Job not found"))
In fact, the compilation error is:
Type mismatch: The inferred type is GenericError, but JobNotFound was expected
At first, it could seem a limitation and a little misleading. However, it’s not. In fact, the Raise<E>
type is a context, giving us some capabilities once we run a function in its scope. For example, we have access to the above raise
function. If you remember, we did the same in the article Kotlin Context Receivers: A Comprehensive Guide, where we defined a context in which it’s possible to serialize an object to JSON:
interface JsonScope<T> {
fun T.toJson(): String
Here, we have the same. The Raise<E>
type is the equivalent of the JsonScope<T>
, and the raise
function is the equivalent of the toJson
function. The only difference is that we can’t instantiate a Raise<E>
ourselves, but we need to use the utilities given by the Arrow library. Moreover, as we will see in a moment, the Raise<E>
is an interface: Its implementation will differ depending on the type of error representation we want our function to raise.
We may have noticed that one advantage of using the Raise<E>
context is that the return type of the function listed only the happy path. In fact, the jobNotFound
function returns a Job
and not a Raise<JobNotFound, Job>
. As we’ll see in a moment, this is a huge advantage when we want to compose functions that can raise errors.
However, using extension functions to define functions that can raise errors is not convenient. We can only have one receiver in an extension function. Let’s see an example. First of all, let’s start to implement our Jobs
module. As we did in the previous articles, we’ll start with the findById
interface Jobs {
fun Raise<JobError>.findById(id: JobId): Job
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
override fun Raise<JobError>.findById(id: JobId): Job =
JOBS_DATABASE[id] ?: raise(JobNotFound(id))
As we said, the return type of the findById
function is just Job
. Another critical thing to notice is that the Raise<E>
type is covariant in the E
type parameter. In fact, we raised a JobNotFound
from the findById
function, but the extension function is defined on the Raise<JobError>
type instead. Wow, a lot of useful features!
Let’s say now that we want to add logging to the function. First, let’s define a Logger
module and its implementation.
interface Logger {
fun info(message: String)
val consoleLogger = object : Logger {
override fun info(message: String) {
println("[INFO] $message")
As we saw in the article Kotlin Context Receivers: A Comprehensive Guide, we can’t add the Logger
type as a receiver of the findById
method since the only available receiver is already taken by the Raise<JobError>
type. Fortunately, Kotlin context receivers can rescue us. In fact, we can treat the Raise<JobError>
receiver as a context receiver, obtaining the following equivalent code:
interface Jobs {
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun findById(id: JobId): Job
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
context (Raise<JobError>)
override fun findById(id: JobId): Job =
JOBS_DATABASE[id] ?: raise(JobNotFound(id))
Since Kotlin allows more than one context receiver at a time, we can add the Logger
module as a context receiver:
context (Logger, Raise<JobError>)
override fun findById(id: JobId): Job {
info("Retrieving job with id $id")
return JOBS_DATABASE[id] ?: raise(JobNotFound(id))
We’ll use the context receiver syntax for the rest of the article since it’s more convenient.
Now that we know how to create a function that can raise an error let’s see how to handle it. The most generic way to execute a function that can raise an error of type E
and that is defined in the context of a Raise<E>
is the fold
function, which is defined as follows:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <E, A, B> fold(
@BuilderInference block: Raise<E>.() -> A,
catch: (throwable: Throwable) -> B,
recover: (error: E) -> B,
transform: (value: A) -> B,
): B
Let’s split the above function into parts. The block
parameter is the function that we want to execute. The catch
parameter is a function that is executed when the block
function throws an exception. The recover
parameter is a function that is executed when the block
function raises a logical typed error of type E
. Finally, the transform
parameter is a function that is executed when the block
function returns a value of type A
, which is the happy path. As we can see, all the handling blocks return the exact value of type B
As we did in the previous articles, let’s implement a service using the Jobs
module and a function that prints the salary of a JobId
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs) {
fun printSalary(jobId: JobId) = fold(
block = { jobs.findById(jobId) },
recover = { error: JobError ->
when (error) {
is JobNotFound -> println("Job with id ${jobId.value} not found")
else -> println("An error was raised: $error")
transform = { job: Job ->
println("Job salary for job with id ${jobId.value} is ${job.salary}")
Here, we used the version of the fold
function that does not handle exceptions but simply rethrows them. In fact, the catch
parameter is not defined. Let’s use the printSalary
function to print the salary of a job that exists in the database:
fun main() {
val appleJobId = JobId(1)
val jobs = LiveJobs()
val jobService = JobsService(jobs)
Obviously, the output is the following:
Job salary for job with id 1 is Salary(value=70000.0)
Whereas, if we try to print the salary of a job that doesn’t exist in the database, we obtain the following output:
Job with id 42 not found
So far, so good. As we might notice, the printSalary
method has no context defined. In fact, the fold
function “consumes” the context, creating a concrete instance of a Raise<E>
type and executing the block
lambda in the context of that instance. Let’s look at the implementation of the fold
function for a moment:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <Error, A, B> fold(
block: Raise<Error>.() -> A,
catch: (throwable: Throwable) -> B,
recover: (error: Error) -> B,
transform: (value: A) -> B,
): B {
contract {
callsInPlace(catch, AT_MOST_ONCE)
callsInPlace(recover, AT_MOST_ONCE)
callsInPlace(transform, AT_MOST_ONCE)
val raise = DefaultRaise(false)
return try {
val res = block(raise)
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
First, the library hints at the Kotlin compiler inside the contract
block. In detail, it says that the catch
, recover
, and transform
functions are called at most once and only inside the fold
Now comes the exciting part. The fold
function creates a DefaultRaise
instance, one of the available concrete implementations of the Raise<E>
interface. The block
is a lambda expression with a receiver, and in Kotlin, we can pass the receiver in different ways to the lambda, which are:
val raise = DefaultRaise(false)
// Method 1
// Method 2
// Method 3
The Arrow Library chose the second method. The DefaultRaise
implementation of the Raise<E>
interface is the following:
// Arrow Kt Library
internal class DefaultRaise(@PublishedApi internal val isTraced: Boolean) : Raise<Any?> {
private val isActive = AtomicBoolean(true)
internal fun complete(): Boolean = isActive.getAndSet(false)
override fun raise(r: Any?): Nothing = when {
isActive.value -> throw if (isTraced) RaiseCancellationException(r, this) else RaiseCancellationExceptionNoTrace(r, this)
else -> throw RaiseLeakedException()
Implementing the DefaultRaise.raise
throws a subclass of a CancellationException
if the method was called inside its scope, a.k.a. the execution was not leaked. The exception contains a reference r
to the typed error.
The fold
function catches the CancellationException
and calls the recover
lambda with the typed error if the error was raised by the current Raise<E>
instance. Otherwise, it rethrows the exception. The library performs this check using the raisedOrRethrow
extension function:
// Arrow Kt Library
internal fun <R> CancellationException.raisedOrRethrow(raise: DefaultRaise): R =
when {
this is RaiseCancellationExceptionNoTrace && this.raise === raise -> raised as R
this is RaiseCancellationException && this.raise === raise -> raised as R
else -> throw this
It’s essential to notice that the typed error is handled if the exception is an instance of RaiseCancellationExceptionNoTrace
or RaiseCancellationException
. Otherwise, if the exception is a true CancellationException
, it is rethrown. In fact, CancellationException
should not be caught because it’s used by Kotlin to cancel coroutines, and catching it can break the normal functioning of coroutines.
The last catch
expression of the fold
function catches all the other exceptions and calls the catch
lambda with the exception if the exception is not fatal. Otherwise, it rethrows the exception. The library performs this check using the nonFatalOrThrow
extension function. In case you need to know them, fatal exceptions are the following:
The subtypes of these errors should not be caught.
Every branch of the fold
function completes the DefaultRaise
instance, calling the complete
method. The default implementation delimits the scope of the Raise<E>
instance setting the isActive
flag to false
Please be aware that any exception thrown inside the Raise<E>
context will bubble up and not be transformed automatically into a logical typed error. For example, imagine we need to convert amounts from dollars to euros. We can define a CurrencyConverter
module as follows:
class CurrencyConverter {
fun convertUsdToEur(amount: Double?): Double =
if (amount == null || amount < 0.0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Amount must be positive")
} else {
amount * 0.91
The convertUsdToEur
throws an exception when the amount is null
or negative. The exception will bubble up if we try to use it inside the Raise<E>
context. For example, let’s create a wrapper around the converter, defining a context of type Raise<Throwable>
and try to use it:
class RaiseCurrencyConverter(private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
context (Raise<Throwable>)
fun convertUsdToEur(amount: Double?): Double =
Now, we can try to use the convertUsdToEur
function and see what happens:
fun main() {
val converter = RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter())
block = { converter.convertUsdToEur(-100.0) },
catch = { ex: Throwable ->
println("An exception was thrown: $ex")
recover = { error: Throwable ->
println("An error was raised: $error")
transform = { salaryInEur: Double ->
println("Salary in EUR: $salaryInEur")
As we said, we expect the catch
lambda to catch the exception. In fact, if we run the code, we get the following output:
An exception was thrown: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Amount must be positive
What if we want to convert the exception into a typed error? For example, we want to convert the IllegalArgumentException
into a NegativeSalary
. Well, we can do it using a function called catch
provided by the Arrow library. Let’s change the RaiseCurrencyConverter.convertUsdToEur
function as follows:
context (Raise<NegativeSalary>)
fun convertUsdToEur(amount: Double?): Double = catch ({
}) {_: IllegalArgumentException ->
The implementation of the catch
function is relatively straightforward:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <A> catch(block: () -> A, catch: (throwable: Throwable) -> A): A =
try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
As we can see, there’s nothing special with the catch
function. It just catches the exception and calls the catch
lambda with the exception. The nonFatalOrThrow
extension function checks whether the exception is fatal. If the exception is fatal, it is rethrown. Otherwise, it is processed.
It’s a different story if we want to recover or react to a typed error. As a rule of thumb, we should model errors expected to happen as typed errors. We called them logical errors. We’ve seen many examples in the previous articles. The JobNotFound
and NegativeSalary
errors are examples of errors that are expected to happen. On the contrary, we should use exceptions to model faults, that is, errors that are not likely to happen. Often, these kinds of errors are related to the environment or are due to bugs in our code, and we can’t do anything to recover from them.
Many programming languages, like Java, model logical errors and faults with exceptions. Java architects tried to give us a way to distinguish between logical errors and faults, introducing the concept of checked and unchecked exceptions. However, nobody listens to them, and the checked exceptions are often misused.
As we said, what if we want to recover from a logical error in a computation in the Raise<E>
context? Well, we can use the recover
function. Let’s make an example. The RaiseCurrencyConverter.convertUsdToEur
function raises a NegativeSalary
error when the amount is negative. We want to recover such a situation by returning a zero default value. We can do it as follows:
fun main() {
val converter = RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter())
recover({ converter.convertUsdToEur(-1.0) }) { _: JobError ->
The recover
function takes a lambda in the context of a logical error of type E
and a second lambda that is a function having as input the error of the same type. Both lambdas must return a value of type A
. The formal definition of the function is the following:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <Error, A> recover(
@BuilderInference block: Raise<Error>.() -> A,
@BuilderInference recover: (error: Error) -> A,
): A = fold(block, { throw it }, recover, ::identity)
As we can see, the recover
function is just a wrapper around a fold
function that doesn’t handle exceptions or transform the result of the block
4. Converting Raise<E>
Computations to a Wrapped Type
What if we want to convert a computation in the Raise<E>
context to a function returning an Either<E, A>
, a Result<A>
, an Option<A>
, or an A?
? Well, nothing is more straightforward than that. The Arrow library provides all the tools to convert a computation in the Raise<E>
context to a wrapped type. We can use the either
, result
, option
, and nullable
builders we saw in the previous articles. In fact, version 1.2.0 of Arrow thoroughly reviewed the implementation of such builders, defining them as wrappers around the fold
Let’s start with Either<E, A>
. The either
builder is defined as:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <Error, A> either(@BuilderInference block: Raise<Error>.() -> A): Either<Error, A> =
fold({ block.invoke(this) }, { Either.Left(it) }, { Either.Right(it) })
The implementation is relatively straightforward. Here, we’re using the flavor of the fold
function that rethrow any unhandled exception. The recover
lambda builds an Either.Left
instance with the typed error, while the transform
lambda builds an Either.Right
instance with the value returned by the block
In our domain, we can implement a function that retrieves the Company associated with a JobId
using the either
builder in this way:
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs) {
// Omissis
fun company(jobId: JobId): Either<JobError, Company> = either {
Here, the either
builder creates the context of type Raise<JobError>
, handling it properly. Please praise the simplicity and absence of boilerplate code, like calls to map
functions or when
It’s also possible to make the backward conversion from an Either<E, A>
to a Raise<E>
using the bind
function. In the JobService
module, we can add the following function:
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun companyWithRaise(jobId: JobId): Company = company(jobId).bind()
As we can see, any reference to the Either<E, A>
wrapper type vanishes. The bind
function is defined as:
// Arrow Kt Library
public interface Raise<in Error> {
// Omissis
public fun <A> Either<Error, A>.bind(): A = when (this) {
is Either.Left -> raise(value)
is Either.Right -> value
The bind()
function calls the raise
function if the Either
instance is a Left
; otherwise, it returns the value wrapped by the Right
instance. As we saw at the beginning of this section, the raise()
function is defined in the context of the Raise<E>
On the contrary, if we are not interested in the type of the logical error but only in the fact that an error occurred, we can transform a computation in the Raise<E>
context to an Option<A>
or a nullable object. Let’s start with the Option<A>
First, we need to introduce how the builder for the Option<A>
type is defined:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <A> option(block: OptionRaise.() -> A): Option<A> =
fold({ block(OptionRaise(this)) }, ::identity, ::Some)
Despite the implementation using the fold
function, the option
builder is defined on a specific implementation of the Raise<E>
type, the OptionRaise
class. The definition of the OptionRaise
class is the following:
// Arrow Kt Library
public class OptionRaise(private val raise: Raise<None>) : Raise<None> by raise
What does it mean? We can only raise a None
inside an OptionRaise
context. We can’t raise a typed error. The library is designed to avoid accidentally losing the error information. So, there is no chance to convert a Raise<E>
context to an Option<A>
type losing the error of type E
. We can only convert a Raise<None>
context to an Option<A>
For example, say we want to add a method to the JobService
class that retrieves the salary associated with a JobId
. If the JobId
is invalid, we want to return None
. As we said, we can’t use the findById
function we defined in the Jobs
module, but we need to implement a new version. Let’s call it findByIdWithOption
interface Jobs {
// Omissis
context (Raise<None>)
fun findByIdWithOption(id: JobId): Job
The implementation is relatively straightforward:
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
// Omissis
context (Raise<None>)
override fun findByIdWithOption(id: JobId): Job {
return JOBS_DATABASE[id] ?: raise(None)
As we said, in case of an error, we’ll raise a None
object since we’re not interested in the error that happened. Now, we can use the new findByIdWithOption
function in the JobService
module to get the salary associated with a JobId
. We want the new function to return an Option<Salary>
type. We can use the option
builder to do that:
fun salary(jobId: JobId): Option<Salary> = option {
As we saw for the Either
case, the code is linear and easy to understand and maintain. We can revert the conversion from an Option<A>
to a Raise<None>
context using the bind
context (OptionRaise)
fun salaryWithRaise(jobId: JobId): Salary = salary(jobId).bind()
Be aware that the bind
function is defined in the context of the OptionRaise
type, and it’s not available if we use the type Raise<None>
as context. The bind
function is defined as:
// Arrow Kt Library
public class OptionRaise(private val raise: Raise<None>) : Raise<None> by raise {
// Omissis
public fun <A> Option<A>.bind(): A = getOrElse { raise(None) }
Another option we have to discard the error information is to convert a Raise<E>
context to a nullable object. The builder for the nullable object is called nullable
and is defined as:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <A> nullable(block: NullableRaise.() -> A): A? =
merge { block(NullableRaise(this)) }
As we can see, we have another dedicated implementation of the Raise
interface called NullableRaise
// Arrow Kt Library
public class NullableRaise(private val raise: Raise<Null>) : Raise<Null> by raise
The NullableRaise
represents a context where the error is defined using a null
value. Let’s play with it. Say we want to add a new version of the findById
function to the Jobs
module. If the JobId
is invalid, we want to return null
this time. Let’s call the new function findByIdWithNullable
interface Jobs {
// Omissis
context (NullableRaise)
fun findByIdWithNullable(id: JobId): Job
Here is its implementation:
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
// Omissis
override fun findByIdWithNullable(id: JobId): Job {
return JOBS_DATABASE[id] ?: raise(null)
As we should notice, the function doesn’t return a nullable type. We represent the possible nullability of the result with the NullableRaise
context. As we said, we raised a null
value in case of logical error.
It’s time to convert the Raise<Null>
context to a nullable object. As we said, we can use the nullable
builder. For example, we’ll add a function to the JosService
module to retrieve the role of a JobId
or null
if the JobId
is not valid:
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val converter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
fun role(jobId: JobId): Role? = nullable {
Working with nullable types this way becomes very easy since we don’t have to deal with ?.
notation and Elvis operators. Note that we didn’t need to use the ?.
operator to access the role
property of the job since the nullability is expressed by the NullableRaise
As we did for the previous wrapper types, we can revert the conversion from a nullable object to a NullableRaise
context using the bind
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val converter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
context (NullableRaise)
fun roleWithRaise(jobId: JobId): Role = role(jobId).bind()
It’s worth noting that also the bind
function returns a computation ending with a non-nullable type. In our case, the return type of the roleWithRaise
function is Role
and not Role?
as in the original role
function. The bind
behavior is due to its implementation:
// Arrow Kt Library
public class NullableRaise(private val raise: Raise<Null>) : Raise<Null> by raise {
// Omissis
public fun <A> A?.bind(): A {
contract { returns() implies (this@bind != null) }
return this ?: raise(null)
The contract
defined in the first line gives the hint to the compiler that if the bind
function returns, then the receiver object is not null for sure.
Finally, we saw in the previous article that the Arrow library lets us easily convert an Option<A>
to a nullable type. This sentence also stands true in the case of a Raise<E>
context. In fact, we can convert an Option<A>
to a function in the NullableRaise
context using a dedicated bind
// Arrow Kt Library
public class NullableRaise(private val raise: Raise<Null>) : Raise<Null> by raise {
// Omissis
public fun <A> Option<A>.bind(): A = getOrElse { raise(null) }
If we want to apply this function to our example, we can rewrite the salary
function as:
context (NullableRaise)
fun salaryWithNullableRaise(jobId: JobId): Salary = salary(jobId).bind()
Remember that the original salary
function returns an Option<Salary>
Last, we have the Result<A>
wrapper type. As you may remember from the previous article of the series, the Result<A>
uses subclasses of Throwable
to represent the error information. In fact, the Arrow library has an implementation of the Raise<E>
interface for the Result<A>
type. It uses Throwable
for the E
type variable:
// Arrow Kt Library
public class ResultRaise(private val raise: Raise<Throwable>) : Raise<Throwable> by raise
To see it in action, we can change the function convertUsdToEur
we defined in the RaiseCurrencyConverter
class, letting it raise an exception in case of error instead of a logical typed error. You may remember that the currencyConverter.convertUsdToEur(amount)
statement throws an exception in case of a negative or null
class RaiseCurrencyConverter(private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
context (ResultRaise)
fun convertUsdToEurRaiseException(amount: Double?): Double = catch({
}) { ex: IllegalArgumentException ->
As we may expect, we also have a builder function to convert a computation in the ResultRaise
context to a Result<A>
object. It’s called result
, and it’s defined as:
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <A> result(block: ResultRaise.() -> A): Result<A> =
fold({ block(ResultRaise(this)) }, Result.Companion::failure, Result.Companion::failure, Result.Companion::success)
The definition is a bit cumbersome due to the definition of the two possible values of a Result<A>
object. Despite the look, the result
function is easy to use. If we want to convert the convertUsdToEurRaiseException
function to a Result<A>
object, we can write:
fun main() {
val converter = RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter())
val maybeSalaryInEur: (Double) -> Result<Double> = { salary: Double ->
result {
Here, we used lambda expression to avoid adding a useless function in the JobService
class. Obviously, it’s possible to convert back a Result<A>
object to a function in the ResultRaise
context using the bind
val maybeSalaryInEurRaise: context(ResultRaise) (Double) -> Double = { salary: Double ->
The definition of the bind
function is as follows:
// Arrow Kt Library
public class ResultRaise(private val raise: Raise<Throwable>) : Raise<Throwable> by raise {
public fun <A> Result<A>.bind(): A = fold(::identity) { raise(it) }
// Omissis
Here, the fold
function is defined in the Result<A>
type, which takes two lambdas: The first is called in case of success and the second one in case of failure.
5. Composing Raise<E>
We saw in the previous articles of the series that one of the main strengths of the Arrow library is the ability to compose computations returning a wrapper type without the need to use the map
and flatMap
The above sentence is also true for the computations in the Raise<E>
context. As we did in the previous articles, we’ll prove it by implementing a function that returns the gap between the salary of a given job and the salary of the job with the highest salary among all companies. We’ll call this function getSalaryGapWithMax
To implement it, we need first to add a new method to the Jobs
module, the findAll
function returning all the jobs listed in our database:
interface Jobs {
// Omissis
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun findAll(): List<Job>
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
// Omissis
override fun findAll(): List<Job> = catch({
}) { _: Throwable ->
raise(GenericError("An error occurred while retrieving all the jobs"))
We decided to handle any possible error from the communication with our hypothetical database with a GenericError
typed error.
Next, we need to add a function on a list of Job
that retrieves the maximum salary. Let’s call it maxSalary
context (Raise<JobError>)
private fun List<Job>.maxSalary(): Salary =
if (isEmpty()) {
raise(GenericError("No jobs found"))
} else {
this.maxBy { it.salary.value }.salary
Again, we decided to raise a GenericError
in case of an empty list. Now, we have all the bricks to implement the getSalaryGapWithMax
function. We can do it in the JobService
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val converter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobId: JobId): Double {
val job: Job = jobs.findById(jobId)
val jobList: List<Job> = jobs.findAll()
val maxSalary: Salary = jobList.maxSalary()
return maxSalary.value - job.salary.value
The advantage of using the Raise<E>
context should be clear: We can write the getSalaryGapWithMax
function without the need to call any transformation or handle any possible error. We used plain types as if we were only interested in the happy path. The Raise<E>
context will do everything else for us. We didn’t need the bind
function to compose the computations. Perfection.
We can try the getSalaryGapWithMax
function in the main
function to get the gap between the salary of a Software Engineer at Apple and the maximum salary among all the jobs:
fun main() {
val service = JobsService(LiveJobs(), CurrencyConverter())
fold({ service.getSalaryGapWithMax(JobId(1)) },
{ error -> println("An error was raised: $error") },
{ salaryGap -> println("The salary gap is $salaryGap") })
Since the salary of the Software Engineer at Apple is 70.000 USD and the maximum salary among all the jobs is 90.000 USD, the output of the program is the following:
The salary gap is 20000.0
However, if we try to get the salary gap of a job that doesn’t exist, let’s say the JobId(42)
, we’ll get the following output:
An error was raised: JobNotFound(jobId=JobId(value=42))
Everything works as expected.
Sometimes, we need to handle logic errors from different hierarchies in the same method. For example, imagine we want the above salary gap in EUR, not USD. We need to use the converter we already introduced in the previous sections. However, to show how to handle different error type hierarchies, we’ll slightly change the last definition of the converter, introducing a new error type:
sealed interface CurrencyConversionError
data object NegativeAmount : CurrencyConversionError
Then, we change the convertUsdToEur
function to raise the new NegativeAmount
error in case of a negative amount:
class RaiseCurrencyConverter(private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
context (Raise<NegativeAmount>)
fun convertUsdToEurRaisingNegativeAmount(amount: Double?): Double = catch({
}) { _: IllegalArgumentException ->
Now, we can use this new method to get the salary gap in EUR:
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val converter: RaiseCurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur(jobId: JobId): Double {
val job: Job = jobs.findById(jobId)
val jobList: List<Job> = jobs.findAll()
val maxSalary: Salary = jobList.maxSalary()
val salaryGap = maxSalary.value - job.salary.value
return converter.convertUsdToEurRaisingNegativeAmount(salaryGap)
However, if we try to compile the above code, we hurt the compiler complaining about the following error:
[ERROR] /Users/rcardin/Documents/functional-error-handling-in-kotlin/src/main/kotlin/in/rcard/raise/RaiseErrorHandling.kt:[119,26] No required context receiver found: Cxt { context(arrow.core.raise.Raise<`in`.rcard.raise.NegativeAmount>) public final fun convertUsdToEurRaisingNegativeAmount(amount: kotlin.Double?): kotlin.Double defined in `in`.rcard.raise.RaiseCurrencyConverter[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl@3d8d926f] }
In fact, the getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur
defines only the Raise<JobError>
context, not the Raise<NegativeAmount>
context. So, it can’t use a function that also defines the Raise<NegativeAmount>
, as the convertUsdToEurRaisingNegativeAmount
does. Here, we have two options. The first one is to add the missing context to the getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur
context (Raise<JobError>, Raise<NegativeAmount>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur(jobId: JobId): Double
In this way, we’re exposing the internals of the function, saying that we cannot handle the NegativeAmount
error locally and asking the caller to handle it for us.
The second option is to handle the error locally and transform the NegativeAmount
error into a JobError
error. The Arrow library provides a handy function to do this: the withError
// Arrow Kt Library
public inline fun <Error, OtherError, A> Raise<Error>.withError(
transform: (OtherError) -> Error,
@BuilderInference block: Raise<OtherError>.() -> A
): A {
contract {
callsInPlace(transform, AT_MOST_ONCE)
return recover(block) { raise(transform(it)) }
The withError
function takes a function that transforms an error of type OtherError
in our example) into an error of type Error
belonging to the JobError
hierarchy), and a block of code that can raise an error of type OtherError
. If the block of code raises an error of type OtherError
, the withError
function will transform it into an error of type Error
and raise it. Otherwise, it will return the result of the block of code.
If we apply it to our example, the getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur
function becomes:
context (Raise<JobError>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMaxInEur(jobId: JobId): Double {
val job: Job = jobs.findById(jobId)
val jobList: List<Job> = jobs.findAll()
val maxSalary: Salary = jobList.maxSalary()
val salaryGap = maxSalary.value - job.salary.value
return withError({ NegativeSalary }) {
So, the convertUsdToEurRaisingNegativeAmount
eventually raises a NegativeAmount
typed error that is transformed into a NegativeSalary
typed error and raised again.
Well, now, we know how to compose different functions that can raise typed errors. What if we want to accumulate more than one error in a dedicated data structure? It’s time to introduce the typed error accumulation in Arrow.
6. Typed Error Accumulation
Until now, we’ve seen how to raise and handle typed errors. However, we’ve always taken only one error at a time. What if we want to accumulate more than one error in a dedicated data structure? For example, say we have a list of Jobs,
and we want to find the gap with the maximum available salary in the database for each one.
To better understand the need, let’s define the signature of our function in our JobsService
module. As usual, we’ll use the Raise<A>
context to express the typed error part of the computation:
context (Raise<NonEmptyList<JobError>>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobIdList: List<JobId>): List<Double>
We used the arrow.core.NonEmptyList<A>
type from the Arrow library for the error part. In fact, if the computation fails for at least one of the JobId
in the list, we know that the returned list of errors will have at least a value. So, we can use the NonEmptyList<A>
type to model this constraint. The Arrow library also defines a type alias for the NonEmptyList<A>
called Nel<A>
. We’ll not enter the details of the NonEmptyList<A>
type since this article focuses on typed errors rather than data structures. You can read the official documentation to learn more about the non-empty collections.
As you might guess, the Arrow library gives us a dedicated function to execute a transformation on a list of values and accumulate the errors in a NonEmptyList<A>
. The function is called mapOrAccumulate
and has the following structure:
// Arrow Kt library
public inline fun <Error, A, B> Raise<NonEmptyList<Error>>.mapOrAccumulate(
iterable: Iterable<A>,
@BuilderInference transform: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.(A) -> B
): List<B> {
val error = mutableListOf<Error>()
val results = ArrayList<B>(iterable.collectionSizeOrDefault(10))
for (item in iterable) {
fold<NonEmptyList<Error>, B, Unit>(
{ transform(RaiseAccumulate(this), item) },
{ errors -> error.addAll(errors) },
{ results.add(it) }
return error.toNonEmptyListOrNull()?.let { raise(it) } ?: results
Quite surprisingly, the fold
function applies to each collection element. In case of error during the execution of the transform
lambda, it is accumulated in a dedicated list. Finally, if the list of errors is not empty, it is raised. Otherwise, the list of results is returned.
As we can see, the mapOrAccumulate
function uses a dedicated implementation of the Raise<A>
context called RaiseAccumulate<A>
// Arrow Kt library
public open class RaiseAccumulate<Error>(
public val raise: Raise<NonEmptyList<Error>>
) : Raise<Error>
The RaiseAccumulate<A>
context overrides the raise
method to create a NonEmptyList<E>
containing only the risen logic typed error:
// Arrow Kt library
public override fun raise(r: Error): Nothing =
Now that we have all the pieces of the puzzle, we can implement our getSalaryGapWithMax
function using the mapOrAccumulate
context (Raise<NonEmptyList<JobError>>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobIdList: List<JobId>): List<Double> =
mapOrAccumulate(jobIdList) { getSalaryGapWithMax(it) }
As we can see, it is pretty straightforward to implement our use case with the mapOrAccumulate
function and the getSalaryGapWithMax
function that we defined previously on a single JobId
. Then, let’s try it. First, we give the function a list containing JobId
s that are present in the database:
fun main() {
val service = JobsService(LiveJobs(), RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter()))
fold({ service.getSalaryGapWithMax(listOf(JobId(1), JobId(2))) },
{ error -> println("The risen errors are: $error") },
{ salaryGap -> println("The list of salary gaps is $salaryGap") })
The output is the expected one:
The list of salary gaps is [20000.0, 10000.0]
Now, it’s time to try the function giving some fake JobId
s that are not present in the database:
fun main() {
val service = JobsService(LiveJobs(), RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter()))
fold({ service.getSalaryGapWithMax(listOf(JobId(1), JobId(42), JobId(-1))) },
{ error -> println("The risen errors are: $error") },
{ salaryGap -> println("The list of salary gaps is $salaryGap") })
This time, we can see that the execution returns the list of errors:
The risen errors are: NonEmptyList(JobNotFound(jobId=JobId(value=42)), JobNotFound(jobId=JobId(value=-1)))
Suppose we directly use the RaiseAccumulate<E>
context in the signature of the getSalaryGapWithMax
function. In that case, we can even use the extension function defined on the Iterable<A>
type to execute the transformation on each element of the list:
// Arrow Kt library
public open class RaiseAccumulate<Error>(
public val raise: Raise<NonEmptyList<Error>>
) : Raise<Error> {
// Omissis
public inline fun <A, B> Iterable<A>.mapOrAccumulate(
transform: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.(A) -> B
): List<B> = raise.mapOrAccumulate(this, transform)
Then, the getSalaryGapWithMax
function can be rewritten as the following:
context (RaiseAccumulate<JobError>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobIdList: List<JobId>): List<Double> =
jobIdList.mapOrAccumulate{ getSalaryGapWithMax(it) }
We can even get an Either<NonEmptyList<JobError>, List<Double>>
instead of using Raise<E>
as context. In fact, the Arrow library defines a version of the mapOrAccumulate
function that works with the Either
// Arrow Kt library
public inline fun <Error, A, B> Iterable<A>.mapOrAccumulate(
@BuilderInference transform: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.(A) -> B,
): Either<NonEmptyList<Error>, List<B>> = either {
mapOrAccumulate(this@mapOrAccumulate, transform)
As expected, this version calls the mapOrAccumulate
function defined on the Raise<E>
context inside an either
builder to convert the result. If you were asking, this@mapOrAccumulate
refers to the receiver object of the external function, in this case, the Iterable<A>
For the sake of simplicity, the Arrow library gives us a type alias for the Either<NonEmptyList<E>, A>
type, called EitherNel<E, A>
// Arrow Kt library
public typealias EitherNel<E, A> = Either<NonEmptyList<E>, A>
There is one last version of the mapOrAccumulate
function that is worth mentioning. Instead of accumulating all the errors in a NonEmptyList<E>
, it is possible to collect them in a custom type. First, the class must define a combining function and a zero element. For example, let’s first define a new error type that takes a string message as input:
data class JobErrors(val messages: String = "")
As we can see, the type has the empty string as the default value for the message
property. The empty string represents the zero element of the JobErrors
type. Then, it’s pretty straightforward to define the combining function on that zero element:
operator fun JobErrors): JobErrors = JobErrors("$messages, ${other.messages}")
We chose the plus
operator as a convenient combining function. We could also have implemented the operation using a proper method:
fun JobErrors.combine(other: JobErrors): JobErrors = JobErrors("$messages, ${other.messages}")
The combination creates a new JobErrors
object, concatenating the two messages using the ','
character. For those who love functional programming, such a type is a monoid.
Now, we can define a new version of the getSalaryGapWithMax
function that uses the mapOrAccumulate
function with the JobErrors
context (Raise<JobErrors>)
fun getSalaryGapWithMaxJobErrors(jobIdList: List<JobId>) =
mapOrAccumulate(jobIdList, JobErrors::plus) {
withError({ jobError -> JobErrors(jobError.toString()) }) {
We used the withError
function we introduced in the previous sections to convert the JobError
type to the JobErrors
type. The alternate version of the mapOrAccumulate
function takes the accumulating function as the second input parameter. The rest remains the same.
As usual, let’s give the new shiny function a try:
fun main() {
val jobService = JobsService(LiveJobs(), RaiseCurrencyConverter(CurrencyConverter()))
fold({ jobService.getSalaryGapWithMaxJobErrors(listOf(JobId(-1), JobId(42))) },
{ error -> println("The risen errors are: $error") },
{ salaryGaps -> println("The salary gaps are $salaryGaps") })
If we did everything correctly, we should see the following output after the execution:
The risen errors are: JobErrors(messages=JobNotFound(jobId=JobId(value=-1)), JobNotFound(jobId=JobId(value=42)))
7. Zipping Errors
As we said, the mapOrAccumulate
function allows the combination of the results of a transformation applied to a collection of elements of the same type. What if we want to combine transformations applied to objects of different types?
A classic example is the validation during the creation of an object. Let’s build an example together. Say we want a pimped version of our Salary
type that also adds the salary currency. We can define it as the following:
data class Salary(val amount: Double, val currency: String)
However, the above definition doesn’t prevent us from creating objects that are not valid. For example, a Salary
with an amount that is less than zero or with a currency that is not made of three capital letters:
val wrongSalary = Salary(-1000.0, "eu")
In general, we want to avoid the creation of invalid objects. To do so, we can define what we call a smart constructor. Smart constructors are factories that look like regular constructors but perform validations and generally return the valid object or some typed error.
In Kotlin, the application of the pattern requires to change the scope of the main construct to private
to avoid the creation of objects outside the factory:
data class Salary private constructor(val amount: Double, val currency: String)
As we have a data class
, bypassing the private
constructor using the copy
function is still possible. There is an interesting thread on the JetBrains tracking system about this topic. However, for the sake of simplicity, we can ignore this problem for the article.
Now, we need to create a hierarchy of the possible logical typed errors we can have while creating a Salary
object. We’ll check for the following two errors:
- The amount must be greater than zero
- The currency must be made of three capital letters
We define the following hierarchy of types to represent the above errors:
sealed interface SalaryError
data object NegativeAmount : SalaryError
data class InvalidCurrency(val message: String) : SalaryError
Once we have changed the constructor’s scope, we need a method to effectively create a valid instance of the Salary
type. Then, let’s override the invoke
operator in the companion object
to create a smart constructor that looks like the regular primary constructor:
data class Salary private constructor(val amount: Double, val currency: String) {
companion object {
context (Raise<NonEmptyList<SalaryError>>)
operator fun invoke(amount: Double, currency: String): Salary = TODO()
If we don’t like to override the invoke
operator, we can define a regular function (factory method) in the companion object
. Usually, we use the of
name for this kind of function.
The smart constructor must perform all the needed validation on input data before creating a concrete instance of the object. For this reason, we added the context Raise<NonEmptyList<SalaryError>>
. We used the NonEmptyList<SalaryError>
to accumulate all possible errors during the validation. For example, invoking the smart constructor with the input data -1.0
and eu
must return the following list of errors:
NonEmptyList(NegativeAmount, InvalidCurrency("The currency must be made of three capital letters"))
We can’t use the mapOrAccumulate
function we previously saw because we don’t have a list of objects of the same type as input. Here, we have a Double
and String
as input. We need to find something else.
Fortunately, the Arrow library provides the zipOrAccumulate
function, which we need. The function is defined as follows:
// Arrow Kt library
public inline fun <Error, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> Raise<NonEmptyList<Error>>.zipOrAccumulate(
@BuilderInference action1: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> A,
@BuilderInference action2: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> B,
@BuilderInference action3: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> C,
@BuilderInference action4: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> D,
@BuilderInference action5: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> E,
@BuilderInference action6: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> F,
@BuilderInference action7: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> G,
@BuilderInference action8: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> H,
@BuilderInference action9: RaiseAccumulate<Error>.() -> I,
block: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) -> J
): J {
contract { callsInPlace(block, AT_MOST_ONCE) }
val error: MutableList<Error> = mutableListOf()
val a = recover({ action1(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val b = recover({ action2(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val c = recover({ action3(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val d = recover({ action4(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val e = recover({ action5(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val f = recover({ action6(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val g = recover({ action7(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val h = recover({ action8(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
val i = recover({ action9(RaiseAccumulate(this)) }) { error.addAll(it); EmptyValue }
error.toNonEmptyListOrNull()?.let { raise(it) }
return block(unbox(a), unbox(b), unbox(c), unbox(d), unbox(e), unbox(f), unbox(g), unbox(h), unbox(i))
Many different versions of the function differ in the number of input parameters. The above is the one with the maximum number of parameters. The function takes a list of functions that return a value of type A
, B
, C
, D
, E
, F
, G
, H
, I
, and a function that takes all the previous values and returns a value of type J
. The function returns the value of type J
; if any error occurs, it raises the list of errors. So, remember: The maximum number of single input parameters is 9. If we need more, we must apply the function recursively multiple times.
It’s worth noting the use of the unbox
function, an Arrow library internal function used to handle possible null
values. The function is defined as follows:
// Arrow Kt library
internal object EmptyValue {
public inline fun <A> unbox(value: Any?): A =
if (value === this) null as A else value as A
The EmptyValue
is intended only for internal use, and it’s used to handle the null
values within generic types instead of using the Option
As you may guess, we’ll use the version of the function taking two different input parameters, and the functions we’ll apply to them are the validations we need to perform on the input data:
context (Raise<NonEmptyList<SalaryError>>)
operator fun invoke(amount: Double, currency: String): Salary =
{ ensure(amount >= 0.0) { NegativeAmount } },
ensure(currency.isNotEmpty() && currency.matches("[A-Z]{3}".toRegex())) {
InvalidCurrency("Currency must be not empty and valid")
) { _, _ ->
Salary(amount, currency)
We already saw the ensure
function in the previous articles of the series. The function checks if the expression given as the first parameter is true, and if not, it raises the error passed as the second parameter. The ensure
function is defined as the following:
// Arrow Kt library
public inline fun <Error> Raise<Error>.ensure(condition: Boolean, raise: () -> Error) {
contract {
callsInPlace(raise, AT_MOST_ONCE)
returns() implies condition
return if (condition) Unit else raise(raise())
So, let’s try to create an invalid Salary
fun main() {
fold({ ValidatedJob.Salary(-1.0, "EU") },
{ error -> println("The risen errors are: $error") },
{ salary -> println("The valid salary is $salary") })
As expected, the output of the program contains both errors and it’s the following:
The risen errors are: NonEmptyList(NegativeAmount, InvalidCurrency(message=Currency must be not empty and valid))
8. Conclusions
The long journey throughout the new error-handling style in the Arrow 1.2.0 library has ended. During the path, we introduced the central concept of this article, the Raise<E>
context, and all its implementing flavors. We saw how to use it to transform and recover a computation in its context. Then, we saw how easy it is to pass from the Raise<E>
context to any of the available wrapper types, like Either<E, A>
, Option<A>
, and Result<A>
. We appreciated how smooth is the composition of functions defined in the Raise<E>
context. Finally, we saw how to use the Raise<E>
context to accumulate errors. The article should have given you a good overview of the new error handling style in Arrow and how the Arrow guys decided to get rid of a lot of category theory types (did you see any reference to a monoid, monad, applicative, or traverse application?) in favor of a more straight, idiomatic and Kotlinsh approach.
If you found this article (or the ones before it) too difficult, you can quickly get the experience you need by following the Rock the JVM complete Kotlin Essentials course.
9. Appendix: Maven Configuration
As promised, here is the complete Maven configuration we used in this article:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""