Functional Error Handling in Kotlin, Part 2: Result and Either
In this series first part, we introduced some of the available strategies to handle errors in a functional fashion using Kotlin and the Arrow library. In this second part, we’ll continue our journey by looking at the Result
and Either
data types and how to use them to handle errors in a functional way.
For the project’s setup, please refer to the first part of this series, in which we set up Maven and the needed dependencies.
For the video version, watch below:
Without further ado, let’s get started!
This article, as the first part, requires existing Kotlin experience. If you need to get it fast and with thousands of lines of code and a project under your belt, you’ll love Kotlin Essentials. It’s a jam-packed course on everything you’ll ever need to work with Kotlin for any platform (Android, native, backend, anything), including less-known techniques and language tricks that will make your dev life easier. Check it out here.
1. The Domain
We’ll use extensively the domain model we introduced in the last article. We want to create an application that manages a job board. The main types of the domain are:
data class Job(val id: JobId, val company: Company, val role: Role, val salary: Salary)
value class JobId(val value: Long)
value class Company(val name: String)
value class Role(val name: String)
value class Salary(val value: Double) {
operator fun compareTo(other: Salary): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
Moreover, we’ll simulate a database of jobs using a Map<JobId, Job>
val JOBS_DATABASE: Map<JobId, Job> = mapOf(
JobId(1) to Job(
Company("Apple, Inc."),
Role("Software Engineer"),
JobId(2) to Job(
Role("Software Engineer"),
JobId(3) to Job(
Role("Software Engineer"),
A Jobs
module will handle the integration with the database:
interface Jobs
Now that we have defined the domain model and the module that will contain the algebra to access it, it’s time to start implementing the different approaches to handle errors in a functional way.
2. The Result
Type: Lifting the Try-Catch Approach to a Higher Level
Nullable types and the Option
type we’ve seen so far are great for handling errors in a functional way. They don’t store the cause of the error. In other words, they don’t tell us why the error happened.
We can represent an error using different approaches. The first is reusing the Throwable
type and all its exception subtypes. The Kotlin programming language has the Result<A>
type for that since version 1.3, which models the result of an operation that may succeed with an instance of A
or may result in an exception. It’s similar to the Try<A>
type we’ve seen in the Scala programming language.
Despite what you may guess, the Result<A>
type is not defined as a sealed class. It’s a value class without any subclass:
// Kotlin SDK
public value class Result<out T> @PublishedApi internal constructor(
internal val value: Any?
) : Serializable
If you’re asking, the @PublishedApi
marks the internal
constructor and the value
as accessible from public extension inline functions but not from anywhere else. Here, the trick to represent success and failure results as values of the value
attribute, which has the type Any?
and not T?
. In case of success, the value
attribute will contain the value of type T
, while in case of failure, it will contain an instance of the Result.Failure
class, defined as follows:
// Kotlin SDK
internal class Failure(
val exception: Throwable
) : Serializable
Now that we introduced a bit of internals let’s see how we can create instances of the Result<A>
type. Kotlin defines two different smart constructors for that:
val appleJob: Result<Job> = Result.success(
Company("Apple, Inc."),
Role("Software Engineer"),
val notFoundJob: Result<Job> = Result.failure(NoSuchElementException("Job not found"))
Unfortunately, we’ve no fancy extension functions defined on the Result<A>
type, so we can’t write anything similar to job.toResult()
. C’est la vie. It’s not that hard to define such an extension function:
fun <T> T.toResult(): Result<T> =
if (this is Throwable) Result.failure(this) else Result.success(this)
val result = 42.toResult()
How can we use it now that we know how to build a Result
? First of all, let’s create the version of our Jobs
module that uses the Result
interface Jobs {
fun findById(id: JobId): Result<Job?>
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
override fun findById(id: JobId): Result<Job?> = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
We decided to handle only unexpected errors with the Result
type by catching exceptions, not the case in which the job is not found.
The findById
function is implemented using the try-catch
approach. However, using the Result
type together with a try-catch
block is so common, that the Kotlin SDK defines a runCatching
function that does exactly that:
// Kotlin SDK
public inline fun <R> runCatching(block: () -> R): Result<R> {
return try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Using the runCatching
function, we can rewrite the findById
function as follows:
override fun findById(id: JobId): Result<Job?> = runCatching {
The runCatching
function is also defined as an extension function on the Any
type, so we can use it on any object:
override fun findById(id: JobId): Result<Job?> = id.runCatching {
Once we have a Result
, we can use it differently. The first is to check if the result is a success or failure. We can use the isSuccess
and isFailure
properties. To show them, as we made for other types, we can create our JobsService
using the new flavor of the Jobs
module, and develop a simple printOptionJob
method, which prints different messages depending on the result of the findById
class JobService(private val jobs: Jobs) {
fun printOptionJob(jobId: JobId) {
val maybeJob: Result<Job?> = jobs.findById(jobId)
if (maybeJob.isSuccess) {
maybeJob.getOrNull()?.apply { println("Job found: $this") } ?: println("Job not found for id $jobId")
} else {
println("Something went wrong: ${maybeJob.exceptionOrNull()}")
The above code also introduces some of the extractor methods defined on the Result
returns the value of theResult
returns the value of theResult
or the throw of the exception contained in theResult.Failure
returns the value of theResult
or a given default value if theResult
is a failure.getOrElse
returns the value of theResult
, or the result of a given lambda,onFailure: (exception: Throwable) -> R
if theResult
is a failure.
Conversely, the method exceptionOrNull
returns the exception in the Result.Failure
instance or null
If we execute the above method using a valid JobId
, we’ll get the following output:
Job found: Job(id=JobId(value=1), company=Company(name=Apple, Inc.), role=Role(name=Software Engineer), salary=Salary(value=70000.0))
However, it’s far more idiomatic to transform and react to values of a Result
rather than extracting it. To apply a transformation to the value of a Result
, we can use the classic map
val appleJobSalary: Result<Salary> = { it.salary }
Instead, we can use the mapCatching
function if the transformation to apply to the value of the Result
can throw an exception. Let’s reuse our CurrencyConverter
class from the first part of the series. The CurrencyConverter
is a class that converts amounts from one currency to another one. In detail, we want to develop a method to convert an amount in USD to EUR. This time, we add validation on the input amount:
class CurrencyConverter {
fun convertUsdToEur(amount: Double?): Double =
if (amount != null && amount >= 0.0) {
amount * 0.91
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Amount must be positive")
The converter will throw an exception if the input amount is null
or negative. Let’s think about the converter as an external library that we can’t change. We can use the mapCatching
function to convert the salary of a job from USD to EUR, handling the fact that the conversion can fail, throwing an exception. Let’s add the converter as a dependency to our JobService
class, and let’s use it to implement a new method:
class JobService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
fun getSalaryInEur(jobId: JobId): Result<Double> =
.map { it?.salary }
.mapCatching { currencyConverter.convertUsdToEur(it?.value) }
If we execute the above function using an invalid JobId
, we’ll get a Result
containing the exception thrown by the convertUsdToEur
fun main() {
val currencyConverter = CurrencyConverter()
val jobs = LiveJobs()
val maybeSalary = JobService(jobs, currencyConverter).getSalaryInEur(JobId(42))
The output is the following:
Failure(java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Amount must be positive)
If we want to recover from a failure Result
, we can use the recover
function. This function takes a lambda that will be executed if the Result
is a failure. The lambda takes as input the exception contained in the Result.Failure
instance and returns a new value of the same type as the successful type of the original Result
// Kotlin SDK
public inline fun <R, T : R> Result<T>.recover(transform: (exception: Throwable) -> R): Result<R> {
contract {
callsInPlace(transform, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {
null -> this
else -> Result.success(transform(exception))
The original T
type must be a subtype of the new R
type since we return the initial value if the Result
In our example, we can use the recover
function to return a default value if no job is found:
val maybeSalary: Result<Double> = JobService(jobs, currencyConverter).getSalaryInEur(JobId(42))
val recovered = maybeSalary.recover {
when (it) {
is IllegalArgumentException -> println("The amount must be positive")
else -> println("An error occurred ${it.message}")
If we execute the above code with the same input as the previous example, we can get a more detailed and more precise output than the previous one:
The amount must be positive
As we did for the map
function, we can use the recoverCatching
variant if the lambda passed to the recover
function can throw an exception.
To execute some side effect with the value of a Result
, whether successful or a failure, we can use the reliable methods the SDK gives us, i.e., the functions onSuccess
and onFailure
. Both functions return the original Result
instance, so we can chain them:
// Kotlin SDK
public inline fun <T> Result<T>.onSuccess(action: (value: T) -> Unit): Result<T> {
contract {
callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
if (isSuccess) action(value as T)
return this
public inline fun <T> Result<T>.onFailure(action: (exception: Throwable) -> Unit): Result<T> {
contract {
callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
exceptionOrNull()?.let { action(it) }
return this
We can refactor our primary example to use the onSuccess
and onFailure
val notFoundJobId = JobId(42)
val maybeSalary: Result<Double> =
JobService(jobs, currencyConverter).getSalaryInEur(notFoundJobId)
maybeSalary.onSuccess {
println("The salary of jobId $notFoundJobId is $it")
}.onFailure {
when (it) {
is IllegalArgumentException -> println("The amount must be positive")
else -> println("An error occurred ${it.message}")
Clearly, the output of the above code is the following since the JobId
42 is not present in our database:
The amount must be positive
If we want to give both the lambda to apply in case of success and the lambda to apply in case of failure, we can use the fold
// Kotlin SDK
public inline fun <R, T> Result<T>.fold(
onSuccess: (value: T) -> R,
onFailure: (exception: Throwable) -> R
): R {
contract {
callsInPlace(onSuccess, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
callsInPlace(onFailure, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)
return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {
null -> onSuccess(value as T)
else -> onFailure(exception)
As we can see, the fold
function is not only used to apply side effects. It can be used to transform a Result
into another type. In fact, many of the transformations we’ve seen so far are shorthands for applying the fold
function in particular cases.
The above example can be rewritten using the fold
function as follows:
println("The salary of jobId $notFoundJobId is $it")
}, {
when (it) {
is IllegalArgumentException -> println("The amount must be positive")
else -> println("An error occurred ${it.message}")
3. Composing Result
As we saw in the previous article, we often deal with types (usually some containers) that are “chainable” or “monadic” in structure (more details on Another Take at Monads: A Way to Generalize Chained Computations), so the crucial point is how we can compose and combine them. In the first part of this series, we implemented a function that returns the gap between the job salary given a job id and the maximum compensation for the same company. We called the function getSalaryGapWithMax
We want to refactor the example using the Result
type. First, we need to add the findAll
function to the Jobs
interface and implementation:
interface Jobs {
fun findAll(): Result<List<Job>>
// Omissis...
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
override fun findAll(): Result<List<Job>> =
// Omissis...
To calculate the gap with the max salary, we need to retrieve a job with a given id and all the jobs available. So, we need to compose two Result
The Kotlin SDK doesn’t provide any form of flatMap
like function for the Result
type. So, how can we compose subsequent computations resulting in a Result
? Remember that two of the most essential principle of Kotlin are pragmatism and ergonomics. If we think about it, we already have all the tools to build some monadic style list comprehension without using flatMap
One of the main properties of monadic list-comprehension is the ability to short-circuit the computation if one of the steps fails. Exceptions are very good at doing short-circuiting, so why not use them? We saw that on a Result
, we can call the getOrThrow
function to get the value of a Result
or throw an exception if the Result
is a failure. So, we can use the getOrThrow
function to short-circuit the computation if one of the steps fails. However, we want to avoid handling exceptions through try-catch
blocks. So, we can use the runCatching
function to wrap the computation again in a Result
To make the code more readable, first, we define an extension function that returns the maximum salary of a list of Job
fun List<Job>.maxSalary(): Result<Salary> = runCatching {
if (this.isEmpty()) {
throw NoSuchElementException("No job present")
} else {
this.maxBy { it.salary.value }.salary
If the list is empty, we threw a NoSuchElementException
, wrapping it together in a Result
. Then, we can use the new function to implement the getSalaryGapWithMax
function in the JobService
as follows:
class JobService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis...
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobId: JobId): Result<Double> = runCatching {
val maybeJob: Job? = jobs.findById(jobId).getOrThrow()
val jobSalary = maybeJob?.salary ?: Salary(0.0)
val jobList = jobs.findAll().getOrThrow()
val maxSalary: Salary = jobList.maxSalary().getOrThrow()
maxSalary.value - jobSalary.value
As we can see, we can forget about the Result
type during the composition process with this approach, focusing on the success values. The rise of exceptions and the use of the runCatching
function allows us to short-circuit the computation if one of the steps fails.
What about the Arrow library and the Result
type? As we saw for the nullable types, Arrow offers some exciting extensions. First, Arrow adds the flatMap
function to the Result
type. If we are Haskell lovers, we can’t live without it, and we can use the flatMap
to compose subsequent computations resulting in a Result
. Let’s try to rewrite the previous example using the flatMap
function from the Arrow library:
import arrow.core.flatMap
class JobService(private val jobs: Jobs, private val currencyConverter: CurrencyConverter) {
// Omissis...
fun getSalaryGapWithMax2(jobId: JobId): Result<Double> =
jobs.findById(jobId).flatMap { maybeJob ->
val jobSalary = maybeJob?.salary ?: Salary(0.0)
jobs.findAll().flatMap { jobList ->
jobList.maxSalary().map { maxSalary ->
maxSalary.value - jobSalary.value
As we said in the previous article, the absence of native support for monadic comprehension in Kotlin makes the code less readable if we use sequences of flatMap
and map
invocations. However, as we saw both for nullable types and for the Option
type, Arrow gives us nice DSLs to deal with the readability problem. For the Result
type, the DSL is called result
// Arrow SDK
public object result {
public inline fun <A> eager(crossinline f: suspend ResultEagerEffectScope.() -> A): Result<A>
// Omissis
public suspend inline operator fun <A> invoke(crossinline f: suspend ResultEffectScope.() -> A): Result<A>
// Omissis
The suspend
and the eager
version of the DSL define a scope object as the receiver, respectively arrow.core.continuations.ResultEffectScope
and arrow.core.continuations.ResultEagerEffectScope
. As we did in the previous article, we’ll use the eager flavor of the DSL.
As for the nullable types and the Option
type, the result
DSL gives us the bind
extension function to unwrap the value of a Result
and use it. If the Result
fails, the bind
function will short-circuit the calculation and the whole block inside the result
DSL returns the failure. The bind
function is defined as an extension function inside the ResultEagerEffectScope
// Arrow SDK
public value class ResultEagerEffectScope(/* Omissis */) : EagerEffectScope<Throwable> {
// Omissis
public suspend fun <B> Result<B>.bind(): B =
fold(::identity) { shift(it) }
The shift
function short-circuits the computation and returns the failure, terminating the continuation chain. Remember, Arrow implements all the scopes concerning error handling using a continuation-style approach.
fun getSalaryGapWithMax3(jobId: JobId): Result<Double> = result.eager {
println("Searching for the job with id $jobId")
val maybeJob: Job? = jobs.findById(jobId).bind()
ensureNotNull(maybeJob) { NoSuchElementException("Job not found") }
val jobSalary = maybeJob.salary
println("Job found: $maybeJob")
println("Getting all the available jobs")
val jobList = jobs.findAll().bind()
println("Jobs found: $jobList")
println("Searching for max salary")
val maxSalary: Salary = jobList.maxSalary().bind()
println("Max salary found: $maxSalary")
maxSalary.value - jobSalary.value
This time, we’ll change the example’s main workflow. We’ll use a NoSuchElementException
to signal the job with the given jobId
is not present in the database. We used the ensureNotNull
function to check and apply if a nullable value is not null and apply. In the case of the scope defined in the result
DSL, the function short-circuits the execution with a Result
containing the given exception as a failure.
Let’s change the main
function to use the new getSalaryGapWithMax3
fun main() {
val currencyConverter = CurrencyConverter()
val jobs = LiveJobs()
val notFoundJobId = JobId(42)
val salaryGap: Result<Double> =
JobService(jobs, currencyConverter).getSalaryGapWithMax3(notFoundJobId)
println("Salary gap for job $notFoundJobId is $it")
}, {
println("There was an error during execution: $it")
If we run the previous example giving the JobId
42 as input, we’ll get the following expected output:
Searching for the job with id JobId(value=42)
There was an error during execution: java.util.NoSuchElementException: Job not found
As we can see, the execution was short-circuited when the ensureNotNull
function returned a Result
containing the NoSuchElementException
as a failure. However, the result
DSL does not equal the runCatching
function. If we throw an exception inside the result
DSL, it will be propagated to the caller and bubble up through the call stack. Let’s try to throw an exception inside the result
fun main() {
val result: Result<Nothing> = result.eager {
throw RuntimeException("Boom!")
If we run the above code, we RuntimeException
will escape the result
DSL, printing the following stack trace:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Boom!
at in.rcard.result.ResultTypeErroHandlingKt$main$$inlined$eager-IoAF18A$1.invokeSuspend(result.kt:43)
at in.rcard.result.ResultTypeErroHandlingKt$main$$inlined$eager-IoAF18A$1.invoke(result.kt)
at in.rcard.result.ResultTypeErroHandlingKt$main$$inlined$eager-IoAF18A$1.invoke(result.kt)
at arrow.core.continuations.DefaultEagerEffect$fold$1.invokeSuspend(EagerEffect.kt:190)
at arrow.core.continuations.DefaultEagerEffect$fold$1.invoke(EagerEffect.kt)
at arrow.core.continuations.DefaultEagerEffect$fold$1.invoke(EagerEffect.kt)
at arrow.core.continuations.DefaultEagerEffect.fold(EagerEffect.kt:192)
at arrow.core.continuations.ResultKt.toResult(result.kt:10)
at in.rcard.result.ResultTypeErroHandlingKt.main(ResultTypeErroHandling.kt:122)
at in.rcard.result.ResultTypeErroHandlingKt.main(ResultTypeErroHandling.kt)
If we want to use some computation that can throw an exception, we can use the runCatching
function inside the result
fun main() {
result.eager {
runCatching<Int> {
throw RuntimeException("Boom!")
However, sometimes we want to map errors in custom types that don’t belong to the Throwable
hierarchy. For example, we can map a NoSuchElementException
to a JobNotFound
type or any rich and meaningful type we want. To do this, we need another strategy to handle errors. It’s time to introduce the Either
4. Type-safe Error Handling: The Either
Let’s now introduce the Either
type for error handling. Kotlin doesn’t ship the Either
type with the standard SDK. We need Arrow to add it to the game. The structure of Either<E, A>
is that of an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). In detail, it’s a sum type that can contain either a value A
wrapped in the type Right<A>
or a value E
wrapped in a type Left<E>
. It’s common to associate Left
instances with the result of a failed computation and Right
instances with the result of a successful calculation. The Either
type is defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public sealed class Either<out A, out B>
public data class Left<out A> constructor(val value: A) : Either<A, Nothing>()
public data class Right<out B> constructor(val value: B) : Either<Nothing, B>()
The Either
type is a sealed class, so it cannot be extended outside the Arrow library, and the compiler can check if all the possible cases are handled in a when
Since we can now use any type to represent errors, we can create an ADT on error causes. For example, we can define a JobError
sealed class and extend it with the JobNotFound
and GenericError
sealed interface JobError
data class JobNotFound(val jobId: JobId) : JobError
data class GenericError(val cause: String) : JobError
Let’s see how to create an Either
instance. The Left
and Right
classes have a constructor that takes a single parameter. Here’s an example of how to create a Right
val appleJobId = JobId(1)
val appleJob: Either<JobError, Job> = Right(JOBS_DATABASE[appleJobId]!!)
Here, we forced the type of the left part of the Either
to be JobError
. Notice that the constructor returns an Either
with the left part defined as Nothing
. The compiler allows us to do this because the Nothing
type is a subtype of any other type, and the Either<A, B>
is covariant on the left part since it’s defined using the out
keyword (we already saw variance in previous articles on Scala, Variance Positions in Scala, Demystified).
Now, we can create our Left
type instance:
val jobNotFound: Either<JobError, Job> = Left(JobNotFound(appleJobId))
For those who prefer extension functions, Arrow provides the left
and right
functions to create Left
and Right
val anotherAppleJob = JOBS_DATABASE[appleJobId]!!.right()
val anotherJobNotFound: Either<JobError, Job> = JobNotFound(appleJobId).left()
Since Arrow defines the Either
type as a sealed class, we can use the when
expression to handle all the possible cases taking advantage of the smart casting. For example, in the following printSalary
function, we can access the value
attribute of the Right
instance without any explicit cast:
fun printSalary(maybeJob: Either<JobError, Job>) = when (maybeJob) {
is Right -> println("Job salary is ${maybeJob.value.salary}")
is Left -> println("No job found")
If we want to extract the contained value from an Either
, we have some functions. The getOrNull
function returns a nullable type containing the value if it’s a Right
instance. We can use it if we want to discard the error:
val appleJobOrNull: Job? = appleJob.getOrNull()
Similarly, we can transform an Either
instance into an Option
instance using the getOrNone
val maybeAppleJob: Option<Job> = appleJob.getOrNone()
Then, the getOrElse
function lets us extract the value contained in a Right
instance or a default value if it’s a Left
val jobCompany: String = { }.getOrElse { "Unknown company" }
The getOrElse
function takes a lambda with the error as a parameter, so we can use it to react differently to different errors:
val jobCompany2: String = { }.getOrElse { jobError ->
when (jobError) {
is JobNotFound -> "Job not found"
is GenericError -> "Generic error"
Using typed errors has many advantages:
- We can use the type system to check if all the possible cases are handled.
- The possible causes of failure are listed directly in the function’s signature as the left part of the
type. Understanding the possible causes of failure lets us build better tests and error-handling strategies. - Typed errors compose better than exceptions.
To prove the above advantages, as we previously did for the Result
type, it’s time to use the Either
type in our example. Let’s change the Jobs
module to return an Either
type instead of a Result
interface Jobs {
fun findById(id: JobId): Either<JobError, Job>
Here we are using the JobError
ADT we defined so far. At this point, we can know precisely how the function can fail by looking at the signature. Now, we can implement the LiveJobs
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
override fun findById(id: JobId): Either<JobError, Job> =
try {
JOBS_DATABASE[id]?.right() ?: JobNotFound(id).left()
} catch (e: Exception) {
GenericError(e.message ?: "Unknown error").left()
As we might expect, we’re wrapping the happy path with a Right
instance and all the available error cases with a Left
instance. We are treating the absence of a job as a logic error, and we’re wrapping it with a JobNotFound
object using the recommended and idiomatic syntax:
value?.right() ?: error.left()
On the other hand, we catch all the exceptions and wrap them in a GenericError
instance. The pattern of catching exceptions and wrapping them in a Left
instance is so common that Arrow provides the catch
function to do it for us in the companion object of the Either
public inline fun <R> catch(f: () -> R): Either<Throwable, R> =
try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
The nonFatalOrThrow
function checks whether the exception should be handled. The fatal exceptions are the following and their subclasses:
The subtypes of these errors should not be caught. For example, CancellationException should not be caught because it’s used by Kotlin to cancel coroutines, and catching it can break normal functioning of coroutines.
Then, we can rewrite the LiveJobs
class using the catch
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
override fun findById(id: JobId): Either<JobError, Job> = catch {
}.mapLeft { GenericError(it.message ?: "Unknown error") }
.flatMap { maybeJob -> maybeJob?.right() ?: JobNotFound(id).left() }
Wait. We introduced a bunch of new functions here. Let’s see them in detail. First, the Either
type is right-based, which means that Right
is assumed to be the default case to operate on. If it is Left
, operations like map
, flatMap
, return the Left
value unchanged. In this case, we applied the flatMap
function to check if the retrieved job was null, eventually creating a Left
value using the pattern we saw a moment ago.
Moreover, we introduced the mapLeft
function. This function is similar to the map
function but applies to the Left
part of the Either
type. In this case, we’re mapping Throwable
exceptions to a GenericError
object. The mapLeft
function is defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public inline fun <C> mapLeft(f: (A) -> C): Either<C, B> =
fold({ Left(f(it)) }, { Right(it) })
As we can see, the definition of the mapLeft
function allows us to introduce another essential function, the fold
function. We already saw this function in the Result
type, and we can use it to transform both the Left
and Right
instances of the Either
class into a target type. The fold
function is defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public inline fun <C> fold(ifLeft: (left: A) -> C, ifRight: (right: B) -> C): C =
when (this) {
is Right -> ifRight(value)
is Left -> ifLeft(value)
The fold
function wraps around the when
expression. It’s crucial in the library, and many of the getOr*
are implemented using it. For example, let’s say we want to get the salary of a job, whether it’s a Left
or a Right
instance. We can use the fold
function and return a default value if the job is not found:
val jobSalary: Salary = jobNotFound.fold({ Salary(0.0) }, { it.salary })
The same thing can be done using a composition of map
and getOrElse
val jobSalary2: Salary = { it.salary }.getOrElse { Salary(0.0) }
5. Composing Either
It’s time to talk about how to compose different Either
instances. As you might imagine, since the Either
type is a monad on the right type, we can use the map
and flatMap
functions to compose different instances (remember, monads have a single type parameters, while the Either
type has two of them).
We will again implement the getSalaryGapWithMax
function, using the Either
type to handle errors. First, we need to add the findAll
function to our Jobs
interface Jobs {
// Omissis
fun findAll(): Either<JobError, List<Job>>
class LiveJobs : Jobs {
// Omissis
override fun findAll(): Either<JobError, List<Job>> =
Then, we can use map
and flatMap
to compose the findAll
and findById
functions and implement the getSalaryGapWithMax
function. As we did for the Result
type, we define a utility function getting the maximum salary from a list of jobs, this time using an Either
instance as a result:
private fun List<Job>.maxSalary(): Either<GenericError, Salary> =
if (this.isEmpty()) {
GenericError("No jobs found").left()
} else {
this.maxBy { it.salary.value }.salary.right()
Then, we can assemble all the pieces together in our first version of the getSalaryGapWithMax
class JobsService(private val jobs: Jobs) {
fun getSalaryGapWithMax(jobId: JobId): Either<JobError, Double> =
jobs.findById(jobId).flatMap { job ->
jobs.findAll().flatMap { jobs ->
jobs.maxSalary().map { maxSalary ->
(maxSalary.value - job.salary.value)
Apart from the type used to express failures, the getSalaryGapWithMax
function is similar to the one we implemented using the Result
type or the Option
type in part one. Another thing similar to the previous implementations is the pain of reading such code. We have a lot of nested calls, no monadic list-comprehension support, and it’s not easy to understand what’s going on.
As we might guess, Arrow offers a DSL to simplify the composition of Either
instances, and it’s called either
. The either.eager
DSL is the non-suspending counterpart:
// Arrow SDK
public object either {
public inline fun <E, A> eager(noinline f: suspend EagerEffectScope<E>.() -> A): Either<E, A> =
// Omissis...
public suspend operator fun <E, A> invoke(f: suspend EffectScope<E>.() -> A): Either<E, A> =
// Omissis...
Both the DSL are builders for two different scopes they defined as receivers, respectively arrow.core.continuations.EagerEffectScope<A>
, and arrow.core.continuations.EffectScope<A>
. Let’s try to make the getSalaryGapWithMax
function more readable using the either
fun getSalaryGapWithMax2(jobId: JobId): Either<JobError, Double> = either.eager {
println("Searching for the job with id $jobId")
val job = jobs.findById(jobId).bind()
println("Job found: $job")
println("Getting all the available jobs")
val jobsList = jobs.findAll().bind()
println("Jobs found: $jobsList")
println("Searching for max salary")
val maxSalary = jobsList.maxSalary().bind()
println("Max salary found: $maxSalary")
maxSalary.value - job.salary.value
The either
DSL gives us access to the bind
member extension function on the EagerEffectScope
to extract Right
values from an Either
instance or to short-circuit the entire computation if a Left
instance is found. The bind
function is defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public interface EagerEffectScope<in R> {
// Omissis...
public suspend fun <B> Either<R, B>.bind(): B =
when (this) {
is Either.Left -> shift(value)
is Either.Right -> value
Nothing new in here. If we run the getSalaryGapWithMax2
function with the JobId(42)
, the execution will be short-circuited after the call to the jobs.findById(jobId)
statement, and we get the following output:
Searching for the job with id JobId(value=42)
Similarly, we have access to the ensureNotNull
extension function, which short-circuits the computation if a null
value is found, and it’s defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public suspend fun <R, B : Any> EagerEffectScope<R>.ensureNotNull(value: B?, shift: () -> R): B {
contract { returns() implies (value != null) }
return value ?: shift(shift())
To demonstrate the ensureNotNull
function, let’s try to implement a variant of the getSalaryGapWithMax
function using a new version of the extension function maxSalary
we implemented before:
private fun List<Job>.maxSalary2(): Salary? = this.maxBy { it.salary.value }.salary
The above version of the function returns a nullable Salary
object instead of an Either
. We can use the ensureNotNull
function to short-circuit the computation if a null
value is found in the getSalaryGapWithMax
fun getSalaryGapWithMax3(jobId: JobId): Either<JobError, Double> = either.eager {
val job = jobs.findById(jobId).bind()
val jobsList = jobs.findAll().bind()
val maxSalary = ensureNotNull(jobsList.maxSalary2()) { GenericError("No jobs found") }
maxSalary.value - job.salary.value
If the jobsList.maxSalary2()
statement returns a null
value, we short-circuit the computation with a Left
instance containing a GenericError
The ensure
extension function is similar to the ensureNotNull
function but works with a predicate instead of a nullable value. The ensure
function is defined as follows:
// Arrow SDK
public suspend fun ensure(condition: Boolean, shift: () -> R): Unit =
if (condition) Unit else shift(shift())
We can use the ensure
function when implementing smart constructors. For example, let’s implement a pimped version of the Salary
type containing a smart constructor, which checks if the given value is a positive integer:
object NegativeAmount : JobError
object EitherJobDomain {
value class Salary private constructor(val value: Double) {
companion object {
operator fun invoke(value: Double): Either<JobError, Salary> = either.eager {
ensure(value >= 0.0) { NegativeAmount }
We use the ensure
function to short-circuit the computation if the given value is negative. We can quickly test the smart constructor and check if it works as expected:
fun main() {
val salaryOrError: Either<JobError, Salary> = Salary(-1.0)
The above code produces the following expected output if executed:
What if we have to accumulate many errors, for example, while creating an object? The Either
type in version 1.1.5 of Arrow does not fit this need. In fact, the Validated
type suits better this use case. However, in the next version of Arrow, 1.2.0, the Validated
class will be deprecated. In the next part of this series, we will learn how to accumulate errors directly using the new version of the Either
And that’s all, folks!
6. Conclusions
In this second part of the series dedicated to error handling in Kotlin, we introduced the Result
and the Either
type. These types represent both the happy and error paths, unlike the types we saw in the first part of the series. We explored their APIs in deep and saw which features the Arrow library offers us to simplify the composition of Result
and Either
instances. It’s time to recap what we’ve learned so far. We can use nullable types and the Option
type if we are not interested in the possible error path of a computation. In Kotlin, such types are quite similar. If we want to know the cause of an error, we can use the Result
type. Here, we use the subclasses of the Throwable
type to express the cause. Finally, we use the Either
type to avoid the Throwable
type and handle errors using a hierarchy of custom-typed errors. In the last part of this series, we will introduce the upcoming features of the next version of the Arrow library, 1.2.0, which will further simplify the functional handling of errors.
If you found this article (or the first part) too difficult, you can quickly get the experience you need by following the complete Kotlin Essentials course on Rock the JVM.